The type of user test depends on what you are testing and the question you want to answer. There are multiple methods of user testing, including A/B, focus group, survey, diary study, usability test, card sort, benchmarking, eye tracking, but you need to select the method that is right for your needs.


You need to ask yourself what you are trying to answer and the goal in conducting user testing.

What features should I include in my design?
Card Sort: Ask people what they want to see on a website or app to understand how they want to see information and what is most important to them

Which design will stand out better?
A/B Test: Discover which version of a design delivers the right message and appeals to your customers

Who is my target market?
Focus Group: Find out where you fit in the market and the types of people most likely to turn into paying customers

How can I differentiate my company?
User Testing: Learn where there are holes in customer needs and where you can fill that gap to provide value and stand-out opportunity areas

How do I stack up against competitors?
Benchmarking: Identify where you currently stand next to your competitors and what you can improve to get ahead

Where do people click?
First Click Test: Know if the feature or call to action is sticking-out to your users by knowing where they click and what they are drawn to

Can people find what they need?
Eye Tracking: See what your users sees and understand what is captivating users attention and where they may get lost

Why are people abandoning my website/app?
Usability Testing: Understand how people interact with your service, where they lose interest and why they don’t come back

Are customers happy with this?
Emotion Tracking: See how customers feel when they interact with your product or service to see the high and low points of their experience

Would people recommend me to others?
Survey: Gauge customer loyalty, satisfaction and where you can improve customers experiences to become a brand people want to tell others about

Need help getting an answer to your question?
Contact UEGroup to conduct online usability testing and other user research methods!