User testing can be conducted in-person in a lab or remotely from anyone around the world. Both options yield valuable results, but there are considerations to make when making the decision.


Is the product you are testing confidential?
If you have a product that is “hush-hush” and has not yet been released on the market, in-lab usability testing is the best choice. Testing on-site and in person, you are able to monitor the participant closely, ask that they leave all personal technology outside of the testing area, and removes the likelihood of someone taking a screenshot and leaking the product, which could be a reality if testing took place online and a screenshot was taken.

Should the product be tested in it’s natural environment?
Website and mobile apps can be tested remotely easily to through a combination of online tools. However, if your product’s natural environment could play a role in user testing results, you should do your best to replicate where the product would naturally be used and would require a in-lab testing

For example, if you are testing an in-store display. The usability lab should be converted to a store kiosk to put participants in the right mindset and prompt more honest, natural feedback.

What’s your budget?
Does your team have the resources to run a multi-day, or even week, and isn’t worried about budget, that’s great! However, it’s not the reality of most teams. If you’re teams and budgets are tight on money and resources, rapid remote testing is a great option to quickly collect feedback, cut travel costs, and gather valuable feedback at a lower cost.

What’s your timeline?
If you needed answers yesterday, conducting online remote research is a good option to gather the insights you need to quickly make design or product decisions. Remote testing can be completed in a matter of days and run from anywhere your users might be – their office or home. Remote usability testing can be completed with a research moderator or without.

Need state-of-the-art convertible usability labs?
Contact UEGroup for lab space that’s safe for socially distanced testing

Need rapid user testing done in days, not weeks?
Contact Strut UX. Every project they take on bakes user testing in at no extra cost